Canada day last July 1 (Tuesday) was busy for me and my family due to two major activities that day- JIL Surrey-Fleetwood Outdoor celebration in JIL Canada Prayer House and Retreat Center in Mission, BC and "Voices Together", a gathering of Greater Vancouver Christians in GM Place, Vancouver.
The outdoor activity of JIL Surrey-Fleetwood was part of their 1st anniversary celebration. Pastor Louie and Millet Figueroa together with the leaders and congregation went to have a wonderful time having fellowship through games for adults and kids, raffle draws, kids running around with water guns and water balloons. But most importantly eating fellowship with lots and lots of barbecue for lunch even until almost dinner. The day was filled with joy for all who came.
Congratulations JIL Surrey-Fleetwood for your 1st Anniversary. A thanksgiving service this Sunday will be held with yours truly as their preacher.
After which, we needed to go to GM place for the activity of the body of Christ. A time of worship and praise towards Jesus aptly called, "Voices Together." It was a special time of focus for all who came to the need of coming together only for the name of Jesus. Around 5,000 people came. It was a good turn out for an activity planned for just two months. God was truly in it and one can sense it during the whole time from 6 pm -9pm. There many impressions that God gave me personally that day.
I believe that God is setting up a mighty move for Greater Vancouver even as the 2010 Olympics in Whistler is anticipated. Nobody must miss what God will do. It will be a glorious time for all who believe that revival and renewal for Hope to Vancouver to Whistler is coming.
Let's keep praying for God's move.....It's coming soon!