Thursday, August 28, 2008


Do you often let other people's nonsense change your mood? How often do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? One thing to keep in mind is this: the mark of a successful person is how quickly one can get back their focus on what's important. There was someone who shared his experience to illustrate this perspective in this way from the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happened...”I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station.

We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean...he was friendly. So, I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck." "Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did."

This must be the right attitude one should have when dealing with such people. Allowing them to ruin your day will cause you to miss out the many good things of the day. It will take only one such event to make the whole day sour. Keeping our cool must be the norm of the day. Many incidents occur when one is overcome by their feeling of being taken advantage by another. If not careful, it could result in unnecessary confrontations with the other person. It will be wise to heed the admonition of the following Scriptures:

· Proverbs 14:17, “A quick-tempered man does foolish things…”

· Proverbs 15:18, “A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. “

· Proverbs 17:14, “Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.”

Having such important guidance in dealing with such circumstances will benefit us greatly. Keep in mind that there are other things that we could redirect such energy. Here are some specific points to remember for each day that you have:

1. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets

2. Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't

3. Believe that everything happens for a reason. Never let the garbage truck run over you...

It is not that you are not allowed to be angry but just make sure that we remember what the Scripture says about anger in James 1:19-20, “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

Keep this reminder close to your heart and mind because we will need it. Keeping our cool is better than starting a fire without knowing the effect it will bring personally and those around us. The Psalmist has an excellent prayer that all of us must say each and every day. Here it goes: “Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Psalms 141:3) If you must know, I believe that our teeth could become the guard over what our mouth will say. Bite your tongue intentionally whenever there is an urge to retaliate. When you do, you will be the better person always and you’ll be glad you did.

Let’s talk again!

Friday, August 15, 2008


While many are afraid of what will transpire tomorrow, the reason is mere fear of the unknown. Being afraid is the only motivation why many resort to seeking psychics, horoscopes, and other related mediums to know what will occur. Though there may be legitimate people that have the gift of seeing the future yet they still do not see a complete image of tomorrow. Just accept the fact that only God has the knowledge to provide exactly what we need as declared in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV)

To know that God has a plan for our future is the greatest blessing that anyone could look forward to. Stress and pressures of life is what stops us from appreciating this truth. No one can ever secure one's future because God only holds it in His hand. Therefore, having plans is good but must be anchored in God's word as stated in Proverbs 16:1,3, "To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue. Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." (NIV)

Now, what attitude should we adopt whenever tomorrow is discussed? I would like to propose two specific actions to do:

  1. Prayer as stated in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (NIV)
  2. Total trust and confidence in God's ability as stated in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (NIV)

Look forward tomorrow with excitement because the best is yet to come.

Let's talk again!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ministry Updates-JIL BC Events

Just concluded the Christian Youth for the Nations (CYN) Surrey Camp this past weekend with almost 30 delegates from JIL Surrey-Newton and JIL Surrey-Fleetwood. It was a three day event from Friday-Sunday using the facility of the JIL Prayer House in Mission, BC. This would be the 2nd batch as the CYN Vancouver had theirs a month ago.

I was assigned to speak in two different days, the opening session and the last session. But what strikes me the most was God's special move when young people are concerned. He pours and He really pours it out abundantly when youth are involved especially during ministerial sessions. It was doubly exciting when God showed up to manifest His awesome presence among the youth delegates.

Seeing them receiving the touch of God when prayed for is a wonderful sight to see. Truly, God is at work when He releases His favor in every seesion. Led by Jovi-Villanueva Binalla and Jayson Pingol, they've joined forces to bring together the CYN from the two JIL Surrey Churches to have an appointment with God. Together with the CYN and adult volunteer staff as well, they have done a great job. Congratulations to all of you for bringing the CYN to the next level. The Lord will bless you indeed.....But there's more to come!

Adding to an exciting weekend as well was a child dedication last Saturday in JIL Vancouver Church and the Thanksgiving Anniversary (12 years) celebration of JIL Vancouver Church 1 yesterday. It was a special day with Hawaiian theme all throughout. Nice eh!!

I spoke on the topic about "Expressions of Gratitude." Everyone expressed their gratitude to God's mighty favor for this church that gave birth to 5 congregations, namely, JIL Surrey, Richmond, Burnaby, North Vancouver and Vancouver 2. Special prayers were given to the leaders and workers of the church. Remember, God is not yet done with JIL Vancouver 1!

The special numbers were marvelous as rendered by the Children's, Men's and Youth. Congratulations to all the leaders, workers and congregation of JIL Vancouver 1 for sharing a milestone of another year of God's faithfulness. Aloha!!!!!

God bless and until next update!!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mission Trip- JIL Northern Europe

The past two weeks was pretty intense. There were three countries that Ptr Monette and I went to minister and visit namely; JIL Oslo, Norway; Gotheburg, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark. Altogether, I would say it was mission accomplished. But the most important thing is having the Lord’s favor manifested in these places. Let me start by saying that being called as ministers of the Gospel has many facets both from positive and negative aspects. But being with the JIL people and seeing their joy after ministering add new dimension in our Christian service. This is what makes serving God all worthwhile. Nothing is to be compared with it.

Before the schedule Europe Management (EMT) meeting, we drove from Oslo, Norway for almost four (4) hours to JIL Gotheborg, Sweden to speak at their Saturday service joined by JIL Stockholm who drove six hours to be there. One will notice the JIL distinctiveness of happy and excited people of God. Though the weather that weekend was about 37 degrees (really hot!), it did not deter us from receiving God’s favor and presence during the Word and ministering time. It was a delight to be with the brethren that day and challenged them to step out to the next level of ministry even under the same hot temperature.

But we had to go back the same day to speak at the Sunday service of JIL Oslo congregation the next day.

The main assignment was to conduct the European Management Team (EMT) composed of the assigned pastors of JIL Europe. It was a week-long event that began from July28 – August 1, 2008 (Monday- Friday). There were many things to discuss but time was not enough. Well, there will be another time.

The night after the EMT meeting concluded, another opportunity was given for me to speak at the Friday night prayer service of JIL Oslo with leaders, workers and JIL people. This time, a continuation of the message last Sunday was given to show that as God leads, he expects that we move with his leading. I believe that JIL Oslo is very much ready to take the challenge to the next level for Norway and Europe.

There was one day to spend some time of rest and recreation and off to go to Denmark the next day taking a very early flight. It was to meet JIL Denmark with their Pastor Precy Soltes Ofori. I spoke at their 8th anniversary celebration with “Your Kingdom Come” as their chosen theme. From the beginning to the end, the whole atmosphere was charged with expectation and excitement. Again, God showed up to meet his people’s needs during the word and ministering time. One testimony that I have heard was that JIL Denmark had been using their facility, a Lutheran Church for free for almost a year. What a blessing indeed!

But no mission trip is incomplete without some sightseeing as well. Except from Sweden, key attractions were visited in Oslo and Copenhagen with our host pastors, Pastor Jojo delos Reyes, the Regional Supervisor of JIL Northern Europe, Pastor Gino Hernandez and Pastor Gilbert Palmero as tour guides. You have exerted a lot of effort to host the EMT meeting and us. Thanks and congratulations for a job well done!

Finally, we just want to express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to the JIL leaders and workers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark for your hospitality and generosity. The Lord will bless you indeed.